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Free Printable Scripture Cards about God’s Love

Free Printable Scripture Cards about God’s Love

With Valentine’s right around the corner, I thought it’d be fun to share a little “love gift” with these brand-new printable Scripture Cards!

I put these fun little designs together when our church youth director asked me if I could create some cards to tuck into little Valentines’ gifts for the teens in our youth group.  These days, being a volunteer youth leader has been a bit frustrating: It’s hard to build connections when you’re limited to Zoom meetings because of Cov-19 and the frigid Michigan air!  So I jumped at the opportunity to do something tangible that will hopefully bring a little smile to some faces and remind people they’re loved.

Maybe there’s someone you know who could use a little reminder of God’s love too?

These free printable Scripture cards are perfect for Valentines’ gifts, of course. But you can also use them to remind your kids they’re loved any time of the year:  Try tucking one in their notebook or lunch box before school.  Attach it to a favorite snack and leave it on their pillow with a personal note written on the back.  Or  tape these little notes to their bathroom mirror so they remember God’s love every morning as they get ready for their day.

The playful designs work great for kids or adults.  And they feature verses that remind us of two bedrock truths:

  1. God loves us, no matter what.
  2. Our most basic purpose in life is to share that love with those around us.

These two truths seem especially important for the divisive and unpredictable times we live in, don’t they?

You can grab these free printable Scripture cards by clicking on the blue button below.  Whatever you choose to do with them, I hope you’ll find joy in sharing them, and know that God is smiling as you spread His love!

(Downloads are only available to More Like Grace subscribers: By clicking the download button below, you consent to OPT-IN to our email newsletter with monthly encouragement and freebie news. Unsubscribe any time.)

More great ways to teach your kids about God’s Love:

  1. Give them a copy of my prayer journals for families and kids:  They feature room for kids to jot their prayers, as well as simple Bible verses and questions to help them “listen” to God in prayer too!
  2. Study the Bible with them:  Check out my Fruit of the Spirit Family Bible study for a great way to start family conversations about the beautiful character traits God’s Spirit can help us grow in our lives when we cooperate with Him.
  3. Grab these free printable prayer kids, featuring Bible verses and prayers that can help them process “big emotions.”
  4. Check out this Valentines From God” Bible reading plan: Great for kids to use on their own, or use for family devotion times together!



Comments (2)

  1. Avatar

    Many thanks for sharing your work it is much appreciated

    Jan 28, 2022 Reply
  2. Avatar

    Thank you for the beautiful cards. I was able to use them for gifts for the loved ones of the prisoners that we ministered too. They were such a blessing.!

    Feb 10, 2023 Reply

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